The United Services Institution of India- Centre for AtmaNirbhar Bharat toHostLandmark ConclaveonIndia’sA&DCapabilityRoadmap 2030

The United Services Institution of India- Centre for AtmaNirbharBharat, in collaboration with Strategic Insights (Manish Kumar Jha), is all set to host a momentousConclave on India's A&D Capability Roadmap 2030. This high-profile event, slated for the 15th ofFebruary2024,ispoisedtobringtogetherdistinguishedleadersfromthepolitical,military,industrial,andtechnologyspheresofIndia.Additionally,theConclavewillseeparticipationfromIndustryExpertsrepresenting friendly foreignnations, markingit asatrulyinternational affair.

“Taking place at the esteemed USI Premises, this Conclave serves as a pivotal platform to delve intocritical issues surrounding the development of advanced and futuristic technologies within India'sAerospaceandDefense(A&D)sector.Withaprimaryfocusonpolicythrust,research&development(R&D) initiatives, the event aims to chart a course for India to emerge as a global hub for innovationinthissector,”saidManishKumarJha,Editor, Defence&Strategic Affairs,FounderSIDST.

Maj Gen (Dr) Pawan Anand, AVSM (Retd), Director, USI’s Center for AtmaNirbhar Bharat, said: “Theagenda for the Conclave is meticulously curated to address key aspects such as driving innovation,enhancingsecuritymeasures,andfosteringacultureofexplorationbeyondconventionalboundaries.” It seeks to push the limits of technological advancements and harness the potential ofcutting-edge materials to pave the way for next-generation solutions that can shape the future ofindustriesworldwide.

Among the notable partners lending their support to this endeavor are the DRDO, Ministry ofDefence, Government of India, and the UK Ministry of Defence, reaffirming their commitment tofostering innovation and collaboration within this domain. Additionally, strategic alliances with theUnited States Department of Defence and the US Embassy in New Delhi underscore the significanceofinternational cooperationindriving advancementsinsecurity andtechnology.

TheConclavefurtherboastspartnershipswithindustrygiantssuchasBAESystems,LockheedMartin,andGeneralDynamicsLandSystems,highlightingtheprivatesector'sessentialroleindrivinginnovation and technological advancement. Collaborations with TATA Advanced Systems Limited,Larsen & Toubro, and Mazagon Dock Ltd further amplify the synergy between industry leaders andgovernment bodies inrealizingIndia'spotential.

Thisgatheringoftop-tierdecision-makersandindustryexpertsunderscoresthecollectivecommitment towards leveraging innovation and technology to bolster capabilities. By synergizingeffortsacrossdiversedomains,theConclaveendeavorstounlocknewopportunities,fostercollaborations,andcatalyze transformativegrowthwithinthesector.



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