Indian Coast Guard saves lives of 27 Bangladeshi fishermen

ndian Coast Guard (ICG) has safely rescued 27 Bangladeshi fishermen in a prompt operation on 04 April 2024. All of them were stranded on their fishing boat in the sea. Indian Coast Guard Ship Amogh, while patrolling the India-Bangladesh International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) on April 4, 2024, sighted a Bangladeshi fishing boat (BFB) Sagar II drifting in Indian waters. After this, a team from an Indian Coast Guard ship was sent there to investigate the matter. During investigation, it was revealed that the steering gear of the Bangladeshi boat was out of order for the last two days and since then the boat was drifting in Indian waters. There were 27 crew members/fishermen on board this fishing boat.

The Indian Coast Guard technical team tried to identify and repair the fault on the Bangladeshi boat, but found that the steering wheel of the boat was completely damaged and could not be repaired at sea. As the sea conditions and weather conditions were favourable, it was decided that as per the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Indian Coast Guard and the Bangladesh Coast Guard, the boat in distress would be towed to the India-Bangladesh International Maritime Boundary Line and then salvaged. IMBL or their coast guard vessel or any other Bangladeshi fishing vessel on the Bangladesh side of the border will be handed over.

Meanwhile, Indian Coast Guard's regional headquarters in Kolkata communicated with Bangladesh Coast Guard and provided them information about the incident and further action plan. Responding to this, Bangladesh Coast Guard Ship (BCGS) Kamruzzaman was deployed by Bangladesh Coast Guard to tow the Bangladeshi fishing boat. Bangladesh Coast Guard ship Kamruzzaman approached the India-Bangladesh International Maritime Boundary Line at about 18:45 hours on 4 April 2024. Indian Coast Guard ship Amogh handed over 27 Bangladeshi fishermen along with their boats to Bangladesh Coast Guard ship Kamruzzaman.

This operation conducted by the Indian Coast Guard demonstrates India's commitment to safely save precious life at sea against all odds. Such successful search and rescue operations will not only strengthen the regional SAR infrastructure but will also enhance international cooperation with neighboring countries. This is in line with the motto of the Indian Coast Guard “Vayam Raksham”, which means “We Protect”.


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