Over 6,000 individuals join Luke Coutinho’s 21-day gratitude & reflections challenge to experience the power of gratitude

Over 6,000 individuals join Luke Coutinho’s 21-day gratitude & reflections challenge to experience the power of gratitude

Luke Coutinho, a renowned expert in integrative health and lifestyle medicine, has recently announced that over 6,000 individuals have come together to explore the power of gratitude and self-reflection through his 21-Day Gratitude and Reflections Challenge. Launched as part of Luke’s ongoing efforts to promote holistic wellness, this challenge encouraged participants to appreciate life’s simple yet profound  gifts—many of which are often taken for granted.

Hosted on a Telegram group, the challenge guided participants through daily practices of expressing gratitude towards various aspects of life, including their physical body, relationships, and emotional well-being. From the ability to see and hear, to the often-overlooked role of hormones and the strength of the human heart, the initiative encouraged awareness and respect for the body and mind.

Gratitude is a powerful force for healing. By cultivating a mindset of gratitude, we can elevate our vibrational energy and promote overall well-being. Negative emotions and illness typically lower our vibrations, while gratitude, kindness, and service can significantly boost them,” highlights Luke Coutinho, Founder of Luke Coutinho Holistic Healing Systems (LCHHS). “Integrative healing goes beyond diet and exercise; it encompasses the cultivation of a positive and grateful mindset”, he adds. 

The participants also shared their experiences and insights on the group, creating a supportive and inspiring community. Additionally, as participants engaged in the practice of expressing gratitude, many reported a new-found respect for their bodies, greater emotional clarity, and an overall sense of well-being. 

Luccy Jain, a participant of the challenge shared – “Practicing gratitude/ feeling grateful is truly the key to happiness and contentment. As someone who has struggled with past traumas, this program served as a reminder of the importance of forgiveness and being thankful. This journey highlighted the immense power of our minds and offered insights into well-being—something we often overlook in daily life. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this empowering experience.”

Building on the success of the Gratitude Challenge, Luke and his team have launched the 21-Day Dreams & Life Purpose Challenge. This new initiative includes simple daily exercises and self-work designed to help individuals build their dreams and discover their life's purpose. The new group has already attracted over 5,500 eager participants ready to embark on their transformative journeys.

Pavita Jones